Archive for October, 2010

Chapter 16- Speechless

Posted in <3 Prisoned Hearts <3 on October 15, 2010 by snookie2brie


***Sandra’s POV***

Dani came up with a plan…finally. She hasn’t told me what it was yet, but she’s on her way to see me. I’m grateful she wants to help me. They deserve to be saved from there…all of the patients. I need more information about Tommy. I know he is tremendously crazy. It wouldn’t help if I got caught along with them.

The door bell rings and I blink quickly, coming out from my deep thoughts. I walk to the door fidgeting frantically with my nails, hands, clothes, hair…anything that I can touch! I’m so nervous and upset I don’t know what to do with myself!

I open the door to see my dear, loyal Daniela. She quickly embraces me in a bear hug…something I really needed. I embrace her just as strong and true as I whisper a soft ‘Thank you’ to her. She pulls back and smiles gently.

“So let’s talk about this hun. She wlkas in my home, sitting on the couch and opening her purse, grabbing a notebook and pen.

What are you doing? Interviewing me?” I ask sarcastically.

“Yes. Actually I am. I need to know about this situation. I know what you’ve told me on the phone…but before we can do anything we need to figure out things…why he’s doing this…why he picked who he picked…among plenty more dear. Now sit and answer my questions.” She states writing something quickly on her notebook. I obey and sit directly across from her, the bundle of nerves sprinting back inside me like a marathon.

Ok, first and foremost…what is the assholes name?”

Tommy Starkit…at least that’s what he tells people. He lied about everything else…and he’s a good liar…so I’m hoping that, at least, is true about him.”

Has he told you anything weird…anything that could help us?”

Umm, not really.”

“How did your interview go? What happened? What were the questions he asked you…what did you have to fill out on the application?”

Well on the application…it was the basic app every job asks for. Your background, if’ you’ve done any drugs, how old you are, job history, school history, certificates, knowledge…all that basic stuff. He didn’t ask me many questions. He called me about 5 days after I turned in the application telling me I got the job but he would still like to see me and interview me for government and legal purposes. During the interview itself…he kept looking me over…you know, checking me out.” I end with a disgusted look on my face.

OH! That’s good! We have a lead-way with him already then.” She smiles smugly and writes something , the information i just told her I’m guessing, down on the notebook.

I raise a my eyebrows incredulously. “Excuse me?”

She scoff and rolls her eyes… “Sandra, if he was checking you out. Obviously he likes what he sees…this is a lead-way…you use your sexiness with him, get some more information…we have a better chance at getting this out of the way. And quicker! You have to sometime sacrifice to help others, Sandra dear.”

My eyes nearly pop out their sockets as she tells me this…she wants me to use my ‘sexiness’ on Tommy??? She wants me to ‘sacrifice’???? How far does she think I’ll go???

Dani, I am NOT having sex with that creep! He is not my type, he’s severely crazy, he’s short, he’s severely crazy, he’s holding Michael Jackson hostage, he’s severely crazy, he’s missing 2 fingers, he’s severely crazy, he’s ugly and did I mention he is severely crazy?!”

She rolls her eyes and my blood boils to 5000 degrees.

Sandra, I never said you had to have sex with the man. Geez you always go straight to sex with situations like this.”

We’ve never been in this situation before Daniela.” I look at her hard and stern.

“Not this bad…the other times we were drunk I know you remember those times…but that isn’t the point anyways. You know exactly what I mean Sandra.”

Now it’s my turn to roll my eyes at her. “Just finish with the questions please. Let’s not talk about sex…eww.” I shudder uneasily. Dani giggles at me and I stare her down letting her know I am not in the mood for laughs.

“Oh calm down stiff dick. Geez. We’re just planning things out right now…nothing is going to happen anytime soon. We really need to plan this before we even try to save someone…this is like that SAW movie…and I’ll be damned if we end up there too.” She pouts. I take 3 deep breaths and relax tremendously.

You’re right Dani. I’m sorry, I’m just so damn frustrated that all this time these patients have been tortured, abused, and forced to mate…what kind of sick shit is this?!” I lean forward placing my face in my hands and begin to cry. I breathe deeply to try and calm myself again. Crying won’t help anything. Thank God I have Daniela here with me, she comforts me gently.

It’ll be ok Sandra. We’re going to figure this out. Trust me…hmm.” I look at Dani suspiciously, she always comes up with the weirdest, aka, the best, ideas when she does that. I’m never let down either.

“You know what…I’m going to apply there. Are there anymore openings? How did you find the job anyway?” I’m not disappointed this time either.

DAni, don’t you think he’s going to think something is up with me asking about Michael and then my friend wanting to work there….and plus I don’t want you in this mess. You are getting nowhere close to him.”  She shoos me away playfully and rolls her eyes once more.

Sandra, you aren’t my mother. I do what I want. Plus, I don’t know you from Eve…” She ends with a very proud and smug look on her pretty features. Yea…I’m definitely not disappointed with this plan she’s thought of.

***Shai’s POV***

Michael stop it!!!” I scream through a fit of laughter. I’ve been crying for a good 5 hours now…maybe longer…and Michael has gotten sick of it so he has decided to end it by tickling the life out of me.

Stop crying then!” He says giggle as he continues to tickle me over my entire body.

Ok!! I won’t cry anymore just stop!!!” I try to get away from him but he’s too strong and quick and he grabs me again and tickle me even harder.

OMG stop!! Michael I promise I won’t cry no more today!!” I beg for mercy. He finally stops and gives me a breather…I’m still ridiculously laughing from the aftermath of being tickled.

You promise?” He says a little out of breath but with an evil grin.

Yes…I promise.” I say with heavy breaths. Sitting up Indian style across from him, I smile gently and giggle once more before attacking him with my own set of tickles.

“AHH! No!! I’m more ticklish than you! Stop it!” HE screams and tries to back away from me but I climb on top of him and tickle his sides effectively. He pushes my hands away from him from time to time but he never really stops me…and I know he can…he’s letting me do this..and I don’t mind it one bit.

Shai! Stop it! Oh lord I have to pee. Stop!!” He begs through laughter. I stop but then start again quickly as I realize he was trying to get an advantage from me to turn the tickle spree back on me.

“Oh God!!! OK I won’t do it!! Stop!! Please!!! I really have to pee though. Stop it!” He begs and pleads as he thrashes beneath me. I stop and quickly hop off of him and move away as far as possible. He lays on the floor breathing heavily. His eyes still closed and his belly rising and dipping slowly.

Geez woman. Tommy might not let me use the bathroom.” I laugh loud at this statement.

“Well I have to use it too and you didn’t think about it until I started tickling you.”

I didn’t think about it until I had to pee.” He giggles at his own realization. I move toward him slowly, observing him intensely, making sure he won’t take the advantage to attack me. Once near, he opens his eyes and nearly jumps out of his skin causing a roar of laughter from me once more.

“Come here. I’m not going to tickle you.” I ask quietly through soft giggles. He moves close, trusting my ‘pleading’ voice.

What?” He asks insecurely. I don’t answer with words. I just move in closer and touch my lips against his gently. We kiss softly for a while, then things head up. He smoothes his hand in my hair and holds my head securely against him. His tongue slowly creeps its way into my mouth. I miss this. He is so gently sometime. So loving. So careful. I’m in love with this man…there is no more guessing I am….it’s true. It’s real.

He stops kissing me, pulls back and looks me deeply in the eyes.

Shai…how are you feeling? I’ve been messing with your tummy alot and I sorta forgot you were sick earlier…are you feeling ok? He questions.

Yes, I’m fine.” I state.

Good.” He kiss me again before I can say anything, starting from where he left off. My heart flutters and so does my tummy. I slow the kiss down…then reluctantly stop it. I blush deeply and look down.

What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick again?”

No…I love you.” I decide to not even worry him this time with my worries. Hopefully telling him that will take his mind off of it.

Shai…if we leave this place…alive…will you marry me?” My eyes pop out of their sockets. I didn’t think it would get him THIS off track…woah.

What?” I ask breathless. Does he know I might be pregnant? What made him ask that? Why now?

Well,” He blushes deep. “I’ve been think about it. I mean, I understand we met in a terrible place, a terrible situation, I even…well, I hope that one day you can fully forgive me for that. But through it all, I’ve realized how much I’m in love with you. I’ve only known you for, what a month and half now? but that doesn’t matter. You get me so well. No one else understands me like you do. No one else can make me happy like you do Shai. To realize that I had to be locked up for God knows how long to find the woman he made especially for me…It’s sad but at the same time I won’t complain…at all, because I am truly happy now. I’ve been looking for you all my life. Even through the shit we have to put up with in here, as long as you’re with me I can take it. I can handle it. Please say you’ll marry me.”



Chapter 15 – Stricken

Posted in <3 Prisoned Hearts <3 on October 15, 2010 by snookie2brie


Sandra my dear, what were they saying to you? You know they are crazy, you can’t believe everything they say.”

Why is Michael Jackson here?”

“Excuse me?” Tommy looks dubiously toward Sandra. Certain curiosity in his eyes.

Yea, Michael Jackson is in room 201…why?”

Tommy laughs lightly, shaking his head gently.

Oh my dear, you had me there for a minute. That is not Michael Jackson, dear. He’s an impersonator…you must remember this is an asylum hun.” He pats her hand as he smiles brightly.

Sandra’s eyes furrow deep with thought, she knows her idol well enough to figure out if he is the real thing or not. None of his impersonators have such an impact as to just being in the same room with his fans…Sandra had that gut feeling, euphoria surrounded her when she looked into his eyes…which are one of a kind. She knows that’s the real Michael. She can feel it.

“Oh, that’s true. I’m sorry.” She decides to play the game with Tommy. She does want to help them anyway, so what would it help with Tommy knowing she knows the truth…none.

It’s perfectly ok dearest. You’ll get use to it.” He winks at her and turns his body slightly, grabbing the receiver from his old fashion phone.

Hello Brenda. This is Tommy Skarkit, I just called to order your bucket meal…yes with the mashed potatoes…yes dear, well it seems that my assistant has dropped the food. If you please, could you send the same order again? I would appreciate it very much…oh thank you!…ok that’s fine dear. Thank you again. See you soon.” He hangs up the phone.

Now that I think about it, you must have dropped the food out of shock when Mitchell told you he was Michael Jackson, right?”

She nods softly…anger building up quickly in her system. She’s thankful she took acting classes for 7 years…it’s paying off very well right now.

“Hahaha oh my dear, you are too cute.” He says pinching her cheeks. She smiles and thanks him for the compliment.

Well, my shift is over so I can go home now, right?” She questions quietly, chipping away her nail polish in deep thought of how to help those two…and the other ‘patients’ as well.

Yes you may dear. I’ll see you tomorrow 10 am sharp!” He grins. She smiles and walks out of his office. Going to her locker, she pulls out her purse and other belongings, quickly walking to her car.

*Sandra’s home*

She opens the door to her nice little studio she calls home. Her purse, jacket, and shoes are thrown messily near the couch. She walks toward her fridge and grabs a bottle of water, a peach, and some aspirin.

What the hell am I going to do about this?” She flops down on her bed, breathing deeply; relaxingly. The phone rings, scaring her slightly.

Hello?…Hey Dani…I’m fine. How are you?” She rubs her temples deeply as she continues to think of ideas to help the ‘patients’…should she tell the cops? No, nobody would believe her…should she tell Dani? She is her best friend. She’ll believe her…hopefully. Maybe she should tell the whole MJ Fan Base…they might believe her if it means Michael is alive…

Hmm? Oh I’m sorry…I just…Dani, can I be completely honest with you? Well, at work today. I went to room 201. Dani…Michael Jackson is there…he’s alive…and from the looks of it…healthy..but there’s a woman with him…well she’s a girl…only 18…but they are stuck in that place Daniela…I’m serious! Yes the real Michael Jackson! Why would I make that up? I don’t know what they’re doing there…from what Michael told me…He didn’t even know he had a funeral Dani…he didn’t know anything about the memorial…he didn’t even know they were telling the world he’s dead.” She goes back into the kitchen to make some hot tea, her thoughts are racing 10 times over.

All Michael told me was he was drugged and when he woke up he was locked in that place Dani…Shai? yes that’s her name…well from what Michael told me, she was kidnapped, in broad daylight. Well she didn’t talk much…she didn’t talk at all honestly. But she’s sick. She was throwing up, and she’s very…thin…she looked pale too…almost like me…and she’s black Dani! Exactly this is serious…no I don’t think she has that. Michael thinks it’s her cycle…She’s been in there with him for a month and a half now…I don’t know. What should I do? I want to help them Daniela…there’s about 4 more couples too…well they didn’t say anything about Tommy doing that but they were very scared… the girls were all pale and thin and the guys sometimes have seriously red eyes and their muscles are huge…I’m thinking Tommy uses the men like test or something… Will you help me?”


“Tommy, can’t you tell us why you’re doing this?” I ask quietly, softly, weakly. Tommy’s on the computer again typing away his life as if it depended on it…maybe it does.

Nope, I could…but I’m not going to Shai. You think I’m going to act like the movies?? You ask me why am I doing this to you…I tell you…then you feel bad for me…then you ‘help’ me by ‘being there for me’ and ‘understanding’ me….I know how it always ends…the bad guy always killed…double crossed…no matter what…well my dear, I’m not going to be one of those villains…my brother is counting on me.”

David?” Michael questions like a curious child.

Him too…rest his soul…but my older brother Michael, Tony.” His eyes convert from Michael back to the computer screen, darting back and forth between the TV’s. Michael looks at me with a confused and scared look. I don’t know what to say…but I’m afraid this new life of mines is just going to get even more terrible.

Speaking of new life, I still haven’t started my period…well…there’s no bleeding…just serious, random, cramps…So, I think I may actually be pregnant…if so, I’ve decided, I’m getting rid of it…I don’t know how…well, I’m sure Tommy will do that for me…I hope so at least…

Pain and anguish fill my thoughts as I think that I may actually be pregnant…and that I’ll have to lose my baby, purposely or accidently. I refuse to bring a child into this type of environment…that is just selfish.

My thoughts are interrupted by the loud bang of a fist. My eyes shoot upward and stare at Tommy.

“Damnit Michael would you stop asking so many questions! You will not get any answers!! If you want answers, ask about your next dose of medicine.” He glares terribly hard at Michael, who raises an eyebrow and smirks.

Tommy…don’t make me kick your a$s..Geez you don’t have to be so f*cking rude! How long have I been in —"

I don’t give a damn how long you’ve been in here Michael!”

Well I’m speaking my mind so shut the f—"

“You’re wasting your damn breath because I’m not listeni—"

“Would you stop f*cking cutting me off!!!!”

You two…are weird. And loud…please stop.” I ask quietly. My headache has calmed down plenty, thankfully, but never went away. I don’t want it to come back either.

“I’m sorry Shai. I’ll be good for you.” Michael kisses my head lovingly. I smile and thank him with a kiss on the cheek.

I feel so fresh now that we’ve both had showers, last night and this morning. We ate good. Michael got his fried chicken back and we’ve found out it was from KFC, he was ecstatic! I don’t think I’ve seen him so happy since I’ve been in here with him. It made me happy.

This morning we had stuffed French toast, scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausages, and of course…orange juice. All provided by Ihop. I ate a lot to be honest…more than half of everything we had…I even begged Michael to share his food with me…he wouldn’t give up the fried chicken, and I gave him my best puppy eyes…and even let some tears fall. He still wouldn’t give it up. Stingy. I’ve never been so hungry…gosh, I really hope I’m not pregnant…I don’t even think that possibility has even begun to cross either of the men minds…neither has brought it up…yet.

Shai…sweetie what’s wrong?” Michael scoots close to me and embraces me warmly, wiping hot tears falling from my eyes. If it wasn’t for that, I would have never even known I was crying.

Nothing Michael…I guess it’s just my emotions…I’m missing my family.” I lie. I was missing them dearly and everyday I pray that they’re ok, but I was thinking about the possibility of being pregnant…having a child…and forced to kill it.

Oh my goodness, Shai!” He wipes more frantically as the tears fall harder and quicker from my sockets. He kisses them away, wipes them away, ‘shoos’ them away…which made me giggle. But nothing works.

Are you hungry Shai?” Michael asks in a child-like voice, trying his best to sooth me and stop the tears.

“No Michael, I’m not hungry.” I end with a giggle, he’s so handsome…and cute…and adorable…I think I can honestly say I’m in love with this man now…he makes me so happy. What if the baby is Michael’s?

Oh God.” I begin to sob harshly, hiccupping and wiping snot away as Michael bear hugs me and rocks me gently.

Aww Shai, it’ll be ok. You can’t …I mean, well…once you get used …oh Shai..I’m here for you hun, and I love you….we’ll leave here together. No matter how we leave…I swear on my life Shai.” He kisses my hair, forehead, nose, and lips. Raising my face to have me look at him.

“I swear Shai…We leave this sick place together.” He eyes me with strong determination. I shake my head slowly, leaning forward to have another kiss. I wish I could tell him the real reason why…but knowing Michael…he won’t be happy about it at all. Plus, it’ll hurt much worse knowing Michael will be hurting. So I won’t tell him, hopefully he doesn’t find out.

Chapter 14- I’ll Be There

Posted in <3 Prisoned Hearts <3 on October 15, 2010 by snookie2brie



Damnit! What is wrong with this woman? You aren’t bleeding Shai. So you’re not on your cycle.” He washes and dries his hands before unbuckling my wrist and feet from the stupid medical bed. He helps me sit up…another puke session.

Got damnit!! Would you stop doing that? Geez!” He wipes my mouth and hands me a trash can to finish getting rid of the toxic acid filling my mouth each time I try to speak.

I’ve taken blood, I’ve done X-Rays and even looked in your damn privates myself…there is nothing wrong with you. You have nothing. No cold. No flu. No Virus. No puss. No swelling. No redness…nothing. What is wrong with you?”

Can I go back to Michael please.” I’m feeling desperately lonely without him.

I have to go get him, let me take you back to the room.” He helps me off the table and supports my weight as we walk back to the room.

He opens the door and lets me in…it’s extremely quiet and dark…evil feeling with Michael not being around to greet me with that smile.

I lay down on the floor once again and look around before closing my tired eyes…with my puke bucket close to me.

At least he cleaned the room. It actually smells fresh.

Minutes later I hear Michael talking, asking of my whereabouts. The door opens again and in walks Michael.

Shai!” He rushes over to me and gently places his hand on my forehead.

Are you ok Shai? Did he hurt you? What happened? What’s going on with you? What’s wrong?”

I smiles and open my eyes weakly…looking at him.

This aint 20 damn questions Michael…I’m fine.” We laugh lightly. He kisses me on my cheek and whispers ‘I’m so glad you’re ok…you had me so scared.’ in my ear before getting in his favorite position against the wall.

Hey, come here sweetie.” He gently pulls me up and lays my head on his lap…my stomach flutters…uh oh.

I grab my bucket quickly and puke once more.

Ewww….aww Shai, do you have a towel or something to wipe your mouth?…I’ll call Tommy.” The door opens before Michael can even begin to scream and bang the door.

Here, have her drink this sprite it should help her upset stomach.” He rushes over to me wiping my mouth with a wet cloth and setting the soda down beside Michael.

Tommy…I, uhm…I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry.”

The only sound that fills the room for a good 10 minutes are my getting sick. I hear the door close and lock tight. Michael sighs depressingly.

Here Shai, drink some sweeite.” He helps me up and puts the can against my lips. The coldness feels amazing against my hot skin, i take a sip leisurely. The refreshing bubbles slowly go down my system, coaxing my stomach favorably.

I lay back on his lap when I feel I wont get sick anymore.

Michael…I missed you. Are you yourself again?” I choose not to look at him, afraid to see those bloodshot eyes.

Yes Shai, I had my fit in the shower…I’m glad you didn’t have to see it this time. It was worst this time…David was there…” He trails off.

I want to comfort him, I want him to talk about it. I want to try and understand him…but I leave it where it’s at. I’m just happy to have my Michael back, my security blanket.

So did you find out what’s wrong with you? Are you on your cycle?” He questions me softly.

No. He checked. I did too when I had the chance. Nothing there. No bleeding. I don’t know what is wrong Michael. I guess I’m just so stressed that I’m having complications.”

His hands play in my hair gently. He begins humming a song, one that I know too well.

You and I must make a pact

we must bring salvation back

where there is love

I’ll be there

I’ll reach out my hand to you

I’ll have faith in all you do

Just call my name

And I’ll be there.”

“Shai, you have such an amazing voice sweetie…I loved it…haha, you’ve brought tears to my eyes.” He sniffs, confirming his compliment. I sit up to look at him, wiping his tears away. Kissing his face softly; lovingly.

Aww Michael…Thank you.” I blush and give him a sweet grateful kiss on the cheek.

He smiles brightly, “You’re so welcome Shai…I love you.”

My heart warms violently. My cheeks fluster with burn. My lips spread into a full blown grin.

I love you too Michael.”

The door slides open, a strange feminine figure steps through. She’s holding a silver tray with food and orange juice.

Hello. I’m Sandra. How are you two?” She asks sweetly. She walks toward us smiling warmly, her small body frame looking thin and pale.

Umm, hi Sandra. Where did you come from?” Michael asks curiously, gently picking me up and moving in front of me. I peer from behind Michael’s shoulders, my bucket still close to me and investigate the woman smiling brightly.

Tommy just hired me last week, I’m going to be your nurse…oh my God.” She drops the silver tray as her eyes bug out with perplexity. Her breath catches slightly and her mouth drops to her toes.

“Michael Jackson!!! OMG I love you!!! What are you…wait I thought…OMG You’re Michael Jackson!!!” She falls to her feet crying uncontrollably, sobbing in wonderment, confused to the ends of this earth. “I…I thought, you…you were…dead.” She states between harsh sobs. “the new, and…and the memorial…the FUNERAL!!! What happened?! OMG you’re alive! What are you doing here Michael? Why are you here?”

Sandra rushes over to Michael, hugging, kissing, and expressing her love deeply toward him. He smiles gently but awkwardly…if that is possible. He hugs her back and recites the same ‘I love you…I love you too. I love you more.” back to her.

Michael…why are you here? What happened?” She looks at him with watery eyes, pleading, begging for answers.

Tommy didn’t tell you? Wait…you don’t know what he’s doing?” Michael questions bewildered.

What are you talking about? He told me this is a hospital for mentally insane patients and that I’m going to be a nurse.”

A nurse for crazy people…”

Sandra shakes her head quickly. Confused at the stories she’s heard.

Michael shakes his head tiredly. He takes a deep breath and explains to Sandra what we’ve been through and what has happened.

Sandra cries silently through the whole thing. Her heart feeling as though she was blasted twice over with a shot gun. She looks at me and sorrow fills her expression.

I’m so sorry Shai, I can’t even begin to imagine the pain you’ve been through. I’m going to help you sweetie, you too Michael. I’m going to try my best to help both of you.”

Sandra, what happened with the food? Did they attack you? I told you to be careful my dear.” Tommy grabs Sandra by the arm and pulls her away from us and out of the room. Before Tommy closes the door, he looks at us, his stare cold and dead.

I’ll get some more food for you.” The door shuts loudly and Michael sighs.

“Well, I doubt she’s coming back. Tommy more than likely heard everything said…poor girl.”

He moves toward the tray and inspects the food.

OMG fried chicken and mashed potatoes!!!! She wasted it all!” His voice cracks…I raise my eyebrow and call his name. He looks at me with tears falling from his eyes.

Michael!” I laugh out hysterically. I can not believe he’s actually crying over food. Not that it’s not important and not that I’m not hungry but…wow. I’m speechless as I laugh at my security blanket cursing and crying because the fried chicken is wasted.


Chapter 13- Eve’s Last Breath

Posted in <3 Prisoned Hearts <3 on October 15, 2010 by snookie2brie


Tommy stands by the door, unable to move. Shocked at the sight in front of him. Stuck with fear with nowhere to go. The door is still closed and none of us has moved an inch. Michael and myself are still crying rivers. The smell of David is getting stronger by the minute and my stomach is very nauseated, I even feel I may puke again.

“Michael…what have you done? You…you, killed him. Oh my, this isn’t good. This isn’t good! Oh no!!! Michael!!! He’s going to kill me!!” Tommy panics around the room, pacing back and forth neurotically. He speed walks to David’s lifeless body, pulling him toward the door.

“Either of you move and I’ll blow your damn brains out, I swear.” He states threatening us with pure fire in his heart. He opens the door and drags David out of the room, letting the door closed tight and securely.

Seconds of silence go by until Michael sniffs quietly.

“I didn’t mean it…I …I didn’t mean to do it, I didn’t mean to kill him Shai. You gotta believe me! I…I…I-I just, he hit you bab—Shai, I couldn’t NOT do anything. I have to protect you. I love you. I…I…Oh God, I didn’t mean it. It’s this medicine!!! UGH!!!!” He hurriedly stands and paces the width of the room severely. Tears still falling from his eyes, his arms still larger than usual, his eyes bloodshot red again and his veins protruding from his body.

“Michael…I know you didn’t mean it.” Is all I can get out. I really don’t know what to say. I mean, of course I appreciate that he did it for me, to protect me. But…he killed someone. Yes, David…I guess, deserved it…but I don’t know. I’m not God. I can not judge this situation. I’m just scared. I don’t know who to trust. Yes, this includes Michael. If he can do what he did to me a couple of days ago…and I won’t call it rape, because it isn’t his fault…and he can kill in the blink of an eye…because of the medication…what else will he do while high?

“God, I have his blood on me…I need a shower. Tommy!!! Tommy!!!” He bangs on the door repeatedly, trying to get Tommy’s attention. For a good 5 minutes he continuously beats the door, each knock harder and louder then the last.

“Michael please stop, you’re making my head hurt worst.”

“Shai, I need a shower. I need to wash this off of me. I can’t stay like this!!” He continues to beat the door.

“Do you have to yell at me?” I ask through pained tears and a weak voice. My headache is splitting my head apart. I press my fingers to my temples and rub them tentatively. My stomach is cramping, my head banging, my eyes puffy, my nose stuffy and my mouth terribly dry and gritty. I just feel terrible. I feel nasty. Maybe a shower is the best thing right now.

“Tommy!!!” I call with Michael as I help bang on the door. Unlike Michael, I give up after a minute of being ignored, unheard, whatever is the problem. I sit on the floor and hold my stomach, the cramps are getting worst…I can’t be on my period in here. God please no.

With no showers for God knows how long, no wash ups, nothing to keep clean…I CAN’T start my period. I will literally go insane. I will be 10 times worst than Michael when he’s high.

I lay down on the floor, turning my body away from the blood pool near the wall opposite the window. I close my eyes and breath deeply. Hoping to get some peace from meditating.
Even though my eyes are closed tightly, I sense someone is watching me. I open my eyes slowly and annoyingly, surely enough, Tommy is in the computer room. Typing away.

I wonder what he types on…or to…and why…?

“Michael…Tommy is here.” The banging and calling doesn’t stop…*sighs* I must try again.

“Michael!” I call a little louder, my head is really booming so I’m trying not to get too loud. I fail to get his attention now. I’m done.

“MICHAEL!!!!!!” Quick, short, and extra loud. The banging stops, finally I have his attention.

“Look at the damn window.” I state tiredly. He obeys silently and his brows furrow in confusion…Lord, what is it now? Another guy? Tommy naked, masturbating again? Ugh…I refuse to fight…I am just not up to it anymore. I can’t take this. I’m not fighting. Let him do what he must. I’m sorry Michael, but I can’t keep my promise like I intended too…I’m exhausted.

I look to the window once again and Tommy is looking directly at me…hatred in his eyes…the same hatred he had that night he raped me. I, shockingly, sit up…frightened but still very annoyed.

“What Tommy? What do you want this time? You wanna rape me again? Go ahead,” Michael’s head quickly whips toward me, his eyes bugged.

“I’m not fighting anyone, anymore. I’m tired, exhausted, sore, sick, cramping, and every other painful feeling. I’m done. Do what you must.” I lay back down and close my eyes.

“Shai…don’t say that. I need you.” Michael pleads softly, heartbroken.

“You’re cramping from what Shai?” Tommy asked, obviously pissed at my remark.

“I wish I knew Tommy…I’m thinking it’s my cycle. I don’t know though, there’s no blood…yet.” I argue back with pure annoyance…again.

An irritated sigh… “Were you on Birth Control?”


“Damnit! Why not?!” He bangs his fist against something.

“Lower your damn voice Tommy!! I have a freaking headache, I’m not feeling good whatsofreakingever and I AM NOT going to deal with your bullsh!t childishness!!!”

A soft ‘woah’ comes from Michael…I quickly look at him, irritated to the fullest extinct with everything and everyone.

“What?” I state flat and rudely. His face shows a tinge of pain, but he looks away quickly.

“Nothing…I just…nothing.” He says quietly. I sigh completely irritated…I don’t think these men understand just how IRRITATED I am!! UGH!!!

“Well, if you are on you’re cycle, that’s not stopping anything. I still want action. Michael…I realize the medication is still flowing through your body, you should let her have the rest… since she isn’t fighting anymore.” He evil eyes me drastically.

With my eyes still closed tightly I give a quick “you try it and you’re balls are promised to never produce children again…anything for that matter.” As I go back to my, trying to, meditation.

I hear someone gulp…but I don’t care as to who it belongs to.

“Tommy, can I have a shower? I swear I won’t do anything this time. Please.” Why does he sound so damn soft? What happened to the anger he had?! UGH!!!

“Why do you want one?”

“I need to wash this off me Tommy.”

“No. You killed my baby brother, you live with his blood on you.”


My headache seems to just get worst by the minute, no matter how hard I concentrate on meditating…maybe that’s the problem. I shouldn’t concentrate so hard. Just let it flow. I breath deeply but as I exhale…something else comes up…again.

“EWWWWWWWW OMG again? Oh lord, you’ve caught something OMG!!!! Tommy!!! She’s sick!!!” Michael gets up to pace the room and bang the damn door again….The door unlocks and in walks Tommy. I lie on the floor, too sick to move, to speak. To do anything. I feel someone pick me up.

“Take your shower damnit, I’ll figure out what’s wrong with her. When I come get you, you better be done, I’m not waiting.” I realize it’s Tommy that is holding me. UGH!

“Put me down. I can walk.” I protest, putting my hand on Tommy’s face to push him away but my strength is completely gone. My eyes won’t even open…What is wrong with me? God I hope this is the end.


Chapter 12- Bring me to life

Posted in <3 Prisoned Hearts <3 on October 15, 2010 by snookie2brie

I’m weak.  My body has given out on me. It’s sore, raw, and limp. I can barely move. Actually, I can’t move. It wants to shut down. It needs to shut down. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind one bit.

Michael has been crying since he finished. He hasn’t moved, ate, talked, slept…nothing. He just sits in the damn corner crying and it pisses me off!! I know it isn’t his fault. The medication is strong and it controls him. He doesn’t realize what he’s doing. BUT why was he so careful..well thoughtful…ok passionate…*sighs* ok so he can’t control himself. I was still hurt deeply by it. I felt like he carved my heart out and just threw it away with pure bitterness. I haven’t found the good in me to forgive him yet…let alone talk to him. That doesn’t mean I haven’t tried, because I have…it’s just…when I look at him…the pain…the betrayal…it all comes back to me.

I miss talking to him though. I miss seeing him smile. I miss those large brown eyes shining bright whenever we laughed. I miss those soft tender lips on mine. Making me shiver with love. I miss his touch, him holding me at night, my security blanket. I miss his laugh. I miss him.

I begin to chew on my on my bottom lip, deep in though, wondering if I should at least forgive him. I am worried about him. The ‘voices’ haven’t visited him yet…I’m guessing that means the meds haven’t worn off yet. Maybe that’s why I’m hesitant to speak to him.

I try to sit up, tired of laying down on the floor naked, but my body doesn’t move an inch. I try to speak, but my voice is still gone. A raspy breath of nothing comes from my lips. I move my hand, reaching out…for anything…whatever will help. My arm and hand fall back down to the floor, tired, exhausted, spent.

Michael…” The sound barely escapes my lips. He turns slightly, but decides against looking directly at me. He turns his face back into the corner and continues to sniff and sob.

“Michael help me please.” I force it louder…making sure he hears it this time. He grasps himself tighter and cries harder.

Michael…please. I can’t move. Look I know it isn’t your fault ok. Just help me.” I state rudely and flat.

“I…I-I can’t …I’ll hurt you again.” A whisper comes from his mouth.

Shai, you don’t get it do you? I can’t touch you! This damn shit is still in effect and I’ll be damned if I do that twice in a row.” He ends the sentences softly.

“Well after what you did it really wouldn’t be any worse.” I spit out to him. He looks at me with pained eyes, begging for forgiveness straight from his heart.

I’m sorry.” He bows his head ashamed. He lays down in fetal position, still far away from me, and falls asleep.

“UGH! Damnit!” I exclaim, giving up on trying to move. The door opens up slightly, nobody comes through, my eyes light up as I feel this is our chance to leave, but Tommy ruins it immediately as he walks through with his weapons ready and secure. The tall one walks right in behind him. The door closes and Tommy turns around quickly eyeing the door and the tall one.

“Oh no, no…open that back up David.” He says quickly.

For what? You scared or something?” He replies with much sarcasm. Taunting Tommy with pure vengeance.

Wonder what happened between those two.

I roll my eyes impatiently and sigh deeply, trying to relax. Tommy walks near me and grabs my arm, gently pulling me into sitting position. He smiles and hands me a warm towel.

O…k…Well, that’s no reason to think he’s the sweetest man on earth, nor any reason to believe he can be trust. This man must be really fucking with me.

The tall one walks over to Michael and stands dangerously close to him, kneeling down and grabbing him to raise him up into sitting position also, he retracts Michael’s hand from his face. David curiously studies Michael’s appearance. He scoffs in disgust.

“Tommy you fucl, this guy isn’t shit. How can he rape a girl then cry for days about it??? I should kick your ass for this one Tommy.” David eyes Michael with evil.

“Shut the hell up David.” There’s that damn random courage again. Last time it came out…it got me stuck with that damn machine for hours on top of hours. Why can’t I just hush?!

David quickly turns to me with a strong smug on his face. He walks over to me slowly, out the corner of my eyes I see Michael tense up and his ‘sad’ expression completely gone…He’s now ready to fight and defend me again…now that’s something I love. Maybe I won’t be mad at him for the rest of the time we’re together after all. Tommy sees this change in Michael also and backs away toward the door cautiously.

David. Do not touch her. We are not prepared for this if you do. Trust me. Just leave her alone.” Tommy tries to calm the problem, he does know better than to piss Michael off and be in the room…locked…with him…still with the medication intact.

What the fuck is going to happen Tommy? Hmm? Let me know. What, pussy boy over there is going to kill me or something for touching this bitch?”

Did Michael just growl????

Well, let’s just see if that will happen.” He chuckles darkly. My body finally gains strength and I move quickly back into the wall. Trying my best to get away from him. I close my eyes trying to picture my happy place. I feel a cold but clammy hand caress my face.

Awww, look at her…she’s scared. Hahaha…should be bitch. Don’t you EVER say anything like that to me again. You understand me??” His other hand grabs my face, my eyes are still closed but I can feel, and smell his breath too close to my face. I swallow the puke that threatens to spill onto his face. Well, on second thought, it just might get his ass off of me…

“Ewwwwwwww” Tommy twist his lips in sickness as my acidic saliva is all over David’s face. His hands threaten to break my jaw with the grip they’re achieving. My eyes still closed, tears forming on my lashes, my lips trembling with fear.

You whore!” My face stings with pungent pain and the burning sensation sets it. The tears falls helplessly now as he hits me once more and I fall on my side. I keep my eyes closed, afraid to look at the man in front of me. I hear fugitive wrestling. I dare not open my eyes now. One of the men scream in agony. The crunch of bones being smashed can be heard clearly. My heartbeat was drowning out the sounds of fighting…until I hear a small gurgle. My eyes open immediately thinking Michael is dead. I can’t live in here without him, if he’s gone then so am I.

I gasp loudly at the sight in front of me. Tommy and my eyes are matched, bugged wide in suspense and amazement. Both us trembling with fear. Neither of us know what to do or say. More tears freely from my tired as I crawl next to Michael to get him off of David.

Michael stop!!!” I grab his arm trying to pry him away David, who’s throat is deeply cut, blood everywhere, a puddle of his essence filling around him. I doubt Michael even realizes I’m so close to him as he doesn’t stop punching, yelling, and stabbing David.

Michael!!!!!” He freezes, breathing heavy, tears flowing over his eyes now, he looks at me. His face full of remorse. He climbs off of David and scoots back to his spot, cradling himself tightly.

Oh my God. What have I dont? Not again!!!! WHY?!!!! Why is this happening?!!!!” His body shudders as we both cry helplessly at the now dead David, lying there lifeless in his own cold blood. I crawl next to Michael and hold onto his arm…